Some call Him saviour, some restorer, some redeemer and the list goes on. There is a variety of names that different people with different cultural, ethical, religious and national background call God. All this is in an attempt to describe Him in His multifaceted dimensions.

As Christians, you and I are conversant with various names that we use in describing God. Some of which we get from the scriptures, from history and even from our personal experiences in life generally and in our walk with Him. If I were to ask you, I’m absolutely sure you can give five to ten names if not more that you use in regarding our great God and what’s more fascinating is that you’ll be able to do that even while you’re unconscious!

Throughout scriptures, God reveals Himself to us through His names. Personally, growing up right in the church community afforded me the privilege of knowing some names I use to reference God. Of course, being in fellowship with other believers would do that to anyone.

But I was amazed of recent that I couldn’t give the meaning of most of those names that I call God! I wanted to relay to a friend some qualities I referenced God with and I wouldn’t want to say I felt disgraced but it pulled me closer to the scriptures as I had to study more on this subject. I want to share with you, some names of God we as Christians should know and what they actually mean.

You will agree with me that the value of anything rests majorly on your understanding what it is! And in this case, understanding what it means. You and I cannot worship or reference God properly in spirit and in truth when we don’t resonate with the meaning of the names we ascribe to Him. So, it gives me great joy to get to share this with you. Hallelujah!


This is a Hebrew term and it stands for GOD (Gen 46:3).

This was first used to describe God in Genesis 1 and it stands for the sovereign God. According to the English U.K dictionary, sovereign means ruler, monarch, self-governing, superior and supreme ruler all these signifying that God and only Him rules the heavens and the earth.

El- roi
This in the Hebrew language stands for the God who sees me. This tells me that God sees us in whatever situation we find ourselves and nothing about our lives catches Him by surprise. The name was used by Hagar (mother of Ishmael) to describe the God who spoke to her. (Gen 16:13)

El- Elyon
El- Elyon in the Hebrew language stands for the God most high (Gen 14: 18-19). Most high means that He (GOD) is exalted far greater than any other god and possesses superior qualities in all ramifications. It’s indeed an honour to have Him as our God.

El- Olam
El- Olam in the Hebrew language stands for the eternal God. Eternal here represents the everlasting quality of God. That means He doesn’t come to an end! He lives and rules forever. The name was ascribed to God by Abraham when he worshipped at Beersheba. (Gen 21:33)

El- Shaddai
This is a Hebrew term that stands for the almighty God. This means that He is the mightiest and most powerful God. Isaac used this name to reference God when he blessed his son Jacob. (Gen 28:3)

This is a Hebrew term that was first used in Exodus 3:15. It is a transliteration of the proper name YHWH that is sometimes referred to as Jehovah and also rendered the Lord. This was the name God used in referring to Himself in the story of the burning bush (Exodus 3:15).

Jehovah Jireh
This can also be represented as Yahweh Yireh and it means God my provider. This was the name Abraham gave to the place where God provided him with a ram for burnt offering instead of his son (Gen 22:14).

Jehovah Nissi
This is a Hebrew term that stands for God my banner of victory or the Lord is my banner. This was the name Moses gave the place where God gave them victory over the Amalekites (Exodus 17:15).

Jehovah Rapha
This stands for God my healer. This was the name God used in describing Himself when He promised the Israelites at Marah that if they obeyed all His decrees, the diseases of the Egyptians would not come upon them (Exodus 15:26).

Jehovah Rohi
This is a Hebrew term and it stands for God my shepherd. This was the name the psalmist David used in describing God (Psalm 23:1).

Jehovah Tsidqenu or Yahweh Tsidqenu
This stands for lord our righteousness. It was the name the prophet Jeremiah used in describing God when he prophesied of the safety and deliverance of Israel (Jeremiah 23:6).

Jehovah Mekoddishkem
This stands for the Holy one in Hebrew language or one who sanctifies you.

Jehovah Raah
This is almost similar in meaning to Jehovah Rohi. It stands for my faithful shepherd.

Jehovah Shammar or Yahweh Shammar
Jehovah stands for the Lord or God and Shammar stands for there. So, Jehovah Shammar stands for the Lord is there. It was used to describe the city that the prophet Ezekiel prophesied of (Ezekiel 48:35).

All these names are but for one major purpose and that is to exalt and reference God and there are still many more.
There’s something I learnt recently during my devotions. I don’t have to wait for God’s miracle before I praise Him. As Christians, we receive miracles and help from God by faith and one of the greatest ways to really express your faith is by praising God!

In the face of that hardship, you’re praising Him
In the face of distress, you’re praising Him
Even when things don’t go our way, we should still praise God.

It’s simply because God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3).

You and I have to realise that these names were given to God by people that have once walked this earth on account of the experiences they had with Him.
Most times, what we go through in life forges a name that we use to describe God as He leads us through that journey. Hallelujah!

I call Him the lifter of men
The holder of my life
The owner of my soul
The source of my strength
The reason for my being……


Feel free to answer via comments. God bless you as you praise Him. Amen.


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